Hydrobooster Wheat - Activated, highly functional special flour for the production of all baked goods of the highest quality.
Bindewald & Gutting Milling Group
Water5+ wheat flour
Hydro-Booster concentrate
Activated, highly functional special flour for the production of all baked goods of the highest quality.
Functional special flour
Water5+ wheat flour and the Hydro-Booster concentrate are further innovations of Bindewald & Gutting Milling Group, who consistently pursue the target of optimum baked good quality and increased enjoyment value.
This development approach is aimed at offering a selection of activated special flours whose baking-related advantages can be achieved by merely physical processes.
These declaration-free refined special flours enable the production of high-quality baked goods which stay fresh longer and have other decisive advantages as well.
Water5+ wheat flour is suitable for all dough processes, including long processes at temperatures from 0 to 5 °C. All the demanding processes (i.e. baking and freezing processes) associated with dough preparation and ripening can be positively influenced by using Water5+ wheat flour.
Added values
Retrogradation of the starch is slowed down
Hydrophilic additives are avoided
Baked good yield is increased – value creation
Crumb softness is improved
Water5+ wheat flour Hydro-Booster concentrate Activated, highly functional special flour for the production of all baked goods of the highest quality.